Adrienne Dooling O.M.D., L.Ac
Education & Clinics

Doctorate Oriental medicine, Licensed in CA & HI.
MTCM Five Branches university (FBU) Santa Cruz & San Jose. CA. USA.
CSSA. Chieko Maekawa. PhD. L.Ac. Seitai Shinpo apprenticeship Hawaii.
Dr. Yangzhong Zhu. FBU classical Chinese medical studies. CA. USA
Dr. Arnaud Versluys (ICEAM). SFO, CA
Trauma & psychology in Chinese medicine. FBU.CA.
Dr. Jeffrey Yuen Classical studies. Ireland.
IET (Integrative Energy Therapy) & Reiki. Ireland
Kona Clinic of Acupuncture. HI. USA.
Dr. Ardolf & Associates. Kapa'au HI. USA.
Eastern Medical Center, Pleasanton, CA. USA.
Truckee. Sierra Nevada. CA. USA
Dept.of Veterans affairs. Kona. HI and CA.
Veterans alliance, Santa Cruz. CA.
Holland America, Ship's acupuncturist. INTL.
Clinical instructor HICOM. Big Island, Hawaii.
MHCAN center for mental health. Santa Cruz. CA.
Janus residential drug and alcohol detox center. Santa Cruz. CA.
Dr. Sally Sheriff, women and children health clinic, CA.
Peggy Schaffer, Medicinal herb farm research program, Petaluma, CA.
Licensing bodies Ireland: AFPA # 8682
NCCAOM: # 125575
CA # 14245
HI # 995
Seitai group photo 2012 Hawaii with Dr. Maekawa fifth to the right front row. Dr. Sorimachi to her right. Stephen Brown translator left of Dr. Maekawa.